ZINO Green Investment Forum brings together thought leaders, angel investors, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs in clean tech, alternative energy, sustainable products and social innovation.
Interested companies should contact Kate DesRosier at k.desrosier@zinosociety.com or 206-686-3768 for information about applying.
ZINO Green is the vehicle for innovators, investors and entrepreneurs to congregate. Seed, early-stage and expansion capital companies will present in 5 minute pitch and 2 minute pitch formats. Fund Finalists will be selected for a $50,000 Fund by Fund Investors. Attendees will select a non-cash “Best Investment Opportunity and Best Presenter” award for each of the segments to be announced the day of the event.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
City Hall Council Chambers
450 110th Ave, NE
Bellevue, WA
RSVP by: 4/16/2012
Attire: Business