Source: PSHB 1102 Capital Budget Bill, March 25, 2019.
The Washington State House of Representatives Capital Budget Committee released its capital budget today which includes $42 million in the Clean Energy Transition Fund (Clean Energy Fund IV).
These appropriations are provided solely for projects that provide a benefit to the public through development, demonstration, and deployment of clean energy technologies that save energy and reduce energy costs, reduce harmful air emissions, or increase energy independence for the state. Priority must be given to projects that benefit vulnerable populations, including tribes and communities with high environmental or energy burden.
Included in these funds are the following:
- $7,700,000 of the state building construction account—state appropriation is provided solely for grid modernization grants for projects that: Advance clean and renewable energy technologies and transmission and distribution control systems; support integration of renewable energy sources, deployment of distributed energy resources, and sustainable microgrids; and increase utility customer options for energy sources, energy efficiency, energy equipment, and utility services.
- $4,400,000 of the state building construction account—state appropriation is provided solely for providing shore power electrification at terminal five for the Northwest Seaport Alliance. In order to receive this grant, the Northwest Seaport Alliance must demonstrate that they applied to the VW settlement for this project and were denied.
- $8,100,000 of the state building construction account— state appropriation is provided solely for competitive grants for strategic research and development for new and emerging clean energy technologies. These grants will be used to match federal or other nonstate funds to research, develop, and demonstrate clean energy technologies.
- $7,907,000 of the state taxable building construction account—state appropriation is provided solely as grants to nonprofit lenders to create a revolving loan fund to support the widespread use of proven energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies by households with high energy burden or environmental health risk now inhibited by lack of access to capital.
- $5,000,000 of the state building construction account—state appropriation is provided solely for the Washington Maritime Innovation Center. The center must be used to support technology acceleration and incubation, and act as a focal point for maritime sustainability, including, but not limited to, supporting technology development for maritime decarbonization and electrification.
- $8,300,000 of the state taxable construction account—state appropriation is provided solely for a grant to the Pacific Northwest national laboratory.
- $593,000 of the state building construction account—state appropriation is provided solely to the port of Grays Harbor for an offshore ocean wave renewable energy demonstration project.
Total appropriations are $42 million.