CleanTech Alliance Membership

A  Forum for Sharing Expertise

CleanTech Alliance members come from all facets of the clean technology industry sector. A diverse membership allows the CleanTech Alliance to drive impact in the generation of growth of cleantech jobs, products and services to advance the cleantech economy.

“Membership in the Alliance puts you right in the middle of the best and brightest people in this space. You get to work on issues and policies of critical importance to people, the planet, and profits.”

—Russ Weed, Vice President, Business Development & General Counsel, UniEnergy Technologies

CleanTech Alliance membership benefits are based on the tiered levels outlined below. Once you become a member, every employee in your company or organization can share in the benefits.
Become a Member

2019 Member Levels and benefits

Chairman's CirclePlatinumGoldStandard
Annual membership dues (calendar year)$25,000$12,000$6,000$325 - $2,750*
Membership for all employeesXXXX
Member rate event registration for all employeesXXXX
Cost savings and discounted offers
on business services
Listing in the online membership directory
and resources pages
Access to CleanTech Alliance Health Trust
(eligibility restrictions apply)
Eligible for features, executive Q&As
and newsletter stories sent to 18,000+ subscribers
All employees eligible for participation
on committees and working groups
Board of Directors seatXXX
Preferred consideration for speaking opportunities for company representatives XXX
Listing in CleanTech Alliance staff email signaturesXXX
Complimentary event tickets5 each event2 each event1 each event
Complimentary exhibit space at the
CleanTech Showcase
Preferred consideration for CleanTech Alliance
headline event sponsorship
25% discount on any additional tickets to CleanTech Alliance eventsX

*Standard membership dues are $325 for 0-3 employees, $600 for 4-7 employees, $1,200 for 8-12 employees, $1,800 for 13-19 employees and $2,750 for 20 employees and higher.