"Carbon Nation" Premiers at Seattle Film Festival

Sponsored by the Boeing Company and the WCTA, a special VIP reception was held Tuesday featuring the premier of “Carbon Nation” at the Seattle Film Festival.  Preceding the film was an engaging cleantech panel discussion with Terry Mutter of Boeing, Tom Ranken of the WCTA, David Allen of McKinstry, Billy Glover of Boeing, and Gene Duvernoy of the Cascade Land Conservancy.

Following a reception, Peter Byck, the film’s director, introduced the film.  Mr. Byck discussed the film and took questions following.


“Carbon Nation is an optimistic, solutions-based, non-preachy, non-partisan, big tent film that shows tackling climate change boosts the economy, increases national & energy security and promotes health & a clean environment.

Carbon Nation Seattle Premier

Director Peter Byck spent three years traveling the country to visit with everyone from ordinary citizens to titans of industry, all of who are striving to be part of a new, low-carbon economy. The good news is we already have the technology to combat climate change, and it also happens to be very good business.”

Many thanks to WCTA member The Boeing Company for their quality work in making this happen.  The film is playing at SIFF beginning this Fri through Mar 10.  Information.