PNW has Potential to Create a Biofuels Industry that will Reduce Greenhouse Gases and Meet Fuel Demands of Aviation

Sustainable Aviation Fuels Northwest (SAFN) report found the PNW has the feedstock, fuel-delivery infrastructure, and political will to create a biofuels industry capable of reducing greenhouse gases and meeting the fuel demands of aviation. Success will depend on securing early government support to prioritize aviation in US biofuel development.  Boeing, Alaska Airlines, Portland Intl Airport, Seattle-Tacoma Intl Airport, Spokane Intl Airport, and WSU partnered in an initiative to identify the potential pathways and actions necessary to make safe, sustainable aviation biofuel commercially available to airline operators.  To make a sustainable biofuels industry a reality, the study outlines an integrated approach recommending the use of many diverse feedstock and technology pathways including oilseeds, forest residues, solid waste, and algae. In addition, the study outlines the long-term importance of securing aviation biofuels as a top government priority and using the aviation industry to drive growth in domestic production.