Source: SnoPUD Press Release. Snohomish County Public Utility District customers have purchased more than 4 million compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs in the past decade – enough to light up more than 200 Eiffel Towers! The PUD launched a CFL program in 2000, and now manages a network of more than 50 local retailers to offer discounts on the energy-saving bulbs.
These energy efficient lights come in all shapes and sizes to fit almost any type of lighting fixture. You can now find spirals, globes, candles, indoor/outdoor floodlights and even bug lights. Switching to CFLs makes good sense since lighting accounts for about 20 percent of electricity use in an average home and CFLs use one-fourth the energy of a standard incandescent bulb.
CFLs carry huge environmental benefits for the region. Over their life (an average of six years), the CFLs sold in Snohomish County are expected to reduce the need to buy over 40 million incandescent light bulbs (saving consumers $20 million) and reduce greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions by about 380,000 tons (by avoiding purchases in the Northwest energy market).
Recycle CFLs Safely: Just like other household items, such as used paint and batteries, CFLs need to be safely disposed when they’ve burned out. You can drop off old bulbs at any of the PUD’s six offices, local Bartell Drugs stores, Home Depot stores and Snohomish County Solid Waste facilities.
The PUD’s compact fluorescent light bulb program is one of several energy-saving options for consumers. The utility offers a wide range of other programs, including: rebates on resource-efficient appliances; low-interest loans and rebates for home energy-efficiency projects; and rebates for recycling older, energy-wasting refrigerators and freezers. The PUD also works with local businesses to provide cash incentives and technical assistance to improve energy-efficiency in their facilities. For more information about CFLs and other conservation programs, visit or call the PUD Energy Hotline at 425-783-1700.