Source: News from Congressman Adam Smith, email, January 17, 2012.
Last month, Congressman Adam Smith played a critical part in final negotiations for the FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). A top priority for Adam was defending Section 526 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 and preserving the important framework created by Section 526 to balance new energy sources, national security and public health.
Section 526 requires federally procured alternative fuel to have comparable or lower greenhouse gas emissions than conventional fuel. This leads to innovation and investments in alternative fuels that still maintain our nation’s military readiness and national security.
“Ensuring the Department of Defense was not exempt from Section 526 was one of my top priorities during negotiations. It allows our military to increase our energy independence and significantly scale back the use of conventional fuels. The Department of Defense will continue developing new biofuel technology to produce cleaner fuels, reduce our dependency on foreign oil and reduce the number of servicemen and women and contractors who are hurt or killed in attacks on fuel convoys,” Adam said.
For more information on Adam’s work on clean energy issues, please visit
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