Invitation│Global Sustainable Finance Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany

A Two-Day International Conference on Global Sustainable Finance will be held from 5th to 6th of July, 2012 in Karlsruhe, Germany. This event will bring together top executives and senior members of financial institutions, policy makers, economists, commercial and investment bankers, SME, and Micro Finance executives, academia, regulators, sustainable development practitioners, senior government officials, representatives of international development agencies and other relevant stakeholders engaged or interested in sustainable finance and greening of financial sector.

The conference provides a distinctive opportunity to discuss: unfolding financial and economic crisis and climate change and other environmental disasters that are affecting the financial industry; challenges, success stories and best practices for embedding sustainability in financial institutions; actions needed to reposition banks, DFIs and other financial market players in times of changing financial and economic landscape; and latest information and knowledge about shaping financial institutions to cater to the requirements of fast changing market conditions. The conference offers a major opportunity to deliberate on financial innovation, examine why and how to green financial products and advance our transition to sustainable economy.

Further to knowledge sharing and deliberating on some of the key issues facing financial industry today; the upcoming conference will also help establish partnerships and alliances and in developing synergies. It provides an excellent opportunity to network with the senior members of financial community, multilateral agencies, governmental and non-governmental institutions, academia, sustainable development and environmental management practitioners and other stakeholders in Europe and globally. An optional excursion/ get-together will take place on Saturday the 7th of July 2012.

You are cordially invited to attend this international event and/ or nominate the member(s) of your institution.

For further information, please see the event details.

Or contact via email:


Organizing Committee

Etech Germany

Dürkheimer Str. 24

D – 76187 Karlsruhe


Tel.: 0049-721- 476 89 16

Fax.: 0049-721- 476 89 53
