Environmental advocates, according to a story in The News Tribune, have praise for both candidates for Governor.
Jay Inslee, the Democratic gubernatorial candidate, made reducing greenhouse-gas emissions his signature issue as a member of the U.S. Congress. Inslee advocated an all-out effort in the style of the Apollo project that put a man on the moon. He earned a reputation in Congress for making cleantech a signature issue.
Attorney General Rob McKenna, the Republican candidate, has also earned praise, but for different reasons. He has been lauded for his legal work in support of regulations on greenhouse gases, which has distinguished him from the national Republican party platform that condemns some of the same regulations.
But the candidates differ in their ideas about ways to help encourage green energy producers.
Inslee pitches green energy as an investment in economic growth. The industry is booming, he said, and “the question is, are these jobs going to be in China, Germany, Texas or in Washington?”
McKenna is critical of Inslee’s plan to target specific industries. McKenna believe that all sectors need help and a level playing field. “I’m leery of tax policies that pick winners and losers in the economy,” McKenna has said. “Government has a very poor track record at getting those decisions right.”
More on Jay Inslee’s Views:
- Cleantech plan: Find the portion of Inslee’s Job Creation plan that is specific to cleantech here.
- Job Creation: www.jayinslee.com/issues/jobs-plan
More on Rob McKenna’s Views:
- Rob McKenna’s statement on Energy Policy: www.wacleantech.org/rob-mckenna-an-energy-agenda-for-washington.html
- Job Creation www.robmckenna.org/newdirection/jobs#_ftn1
Read the entire story here: The News Tribune, Sept. 30, 2012.s their goal is to help politically popular or trendy industries.