Nominations Open for 2013 Global Cleantech Cluster Association Later Stage Awards

The Global Cleantech Later Stage Award evaluates the most promising later stage companies across the globe, awarding the best with the exposure they need to succeed.  Companies compete in ten categories including solar, wind, water, energy efficiency, and more.  The judges of the later stage award have invested over $3.5 billion into Cleantech initiatives globally.

The Later Stage Award highlights the most promising new technologies and lays the groundwork for emerging solutions yet to come.  The nomination process of the GCCA 2013 Later Stage Award takes place in two phases. To win, companies must be nominated by a GCCA member cluster (the first phase).

The Washington Clean Technology Alliance is a member cluster.  If you are interested in being nominated–or want to suggest a nominee–please contact Tom Ranken.

Category nomination are:

  • Biofuels/BioEnergy
  • CleanWeb/Sustainable IT
  • Energy Storage/Smart Grid
  • Green Building
  • Lighting/Energy Efficiency Smart Cities (products & services)
  • Solar & Wind Energy
  • Transportation
  • Waste Management
  • Water (Resource recovery, energy, treatment, etc)


Deadline: May 1, 2013 – Deadline for phase1 member cluster nominations

Winners: Announced in Fall 2013 – event yet to be scheduled

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