The Legislature spent the majority of the week in floor action passing various bills over to the other chamber. The process is nearing the mid point of session with House of Origin cut of on Tuesday. Any policy Legislation that has not passed out of its original Chamber will be considered dead for this session.
House Bill 1301 and House Bill 2176 dealing with the solar incentive program and leasing options for solar systems moved out of the House Rules Committee and efforts will be made to pass them out of the House by Tuesday.
House Bill 2183, maintaining a robust, clean, and job rich energy policy in the state of Washington that builds upon the goals created by the energy independence act. Passed out of the House and will have a hearing in the Senate Energy and Environment Committee next week.
Senate Bill 6430, Hi Tech R&D credit passed out of the Senate Ways and Means Committee this week and will be alive for the rest of session in spite of cutoffs.
Prepared by Boswell Consulting