Northwest Green Chemistry (NGC), the innovative center promoting science to improve environmental business practices in the Pacific Northwest, is asking regional companies and organizations for help with an important survey released today.
The online market survey is aimed at gathering opinions and ideas related to NGC’s goal of promoting “green chemistry” to protect and improve the environment throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska and British Columbia. The survey is underwritten by the Bullitt Foundation of Seattle, a leading organization supporting environmental initiatives in the Pacific Northwest.
“The Bullitt Foundation is pleased to support Northwest Green Chemistry and the belief that companies can be environmentally responsible and sustainable, and still be successful,” says Denis Hayes, the foundation’s President and CEO. “But we need to hear from them and talk to them more, which is why this survey is so important. If we work together, I think we can really start a green chemistry revolution right here in the Pacific Northwest.”
Find the survey here.
The survey is being conducted by Strategic Mission Marketing of Berkeley, Calif. Findings are expected to be released in the fall.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines green chemistry as “the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the generation of hazardous substances.” NGC is an emerging non-profit with the goal of advancing the practice and application of green chemistry among companies and organizations that manufacture, sell, purchase, or are headquartered or have a physical location in the Pacific Northwest.
The survey seeks input to ensure that NGC’s focus areas, products and services encourage and support green chemistry initiatives throughout the region. The survey explores current green chemistry practices and solicits reactions to proposed products and services, as well as revenue models.
We invite to participate companies interested in advancing the practice and application of green chemistry that manufacture, sell, purchase, are headquartered or have a physical location in the Northwest region, as well as non-governmental organizations, business associations and other entities with interest in advancing regional green chemistry practices.
Northwest Green Chemistry was established in 2013 with seed funding from an EPA National Estuary Program grant and the Bullitt Foundation. NGC seeks to enhance human and environmental health while also fostering innovation and economic opportunities through sustainable green chemistry and engineering solutions. NGC provides leadership and promotes collaboration to advance the use of safer chemicals in products and manufacturing processes. NGC’s initial efforts are focused on environmental improvements in the Puget Sound area, with plans to expand throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Based in Seattle, NGC is supported by the Washington State Department of Ecology and led by a Board of Advisors comprised of representatives from industry, academic, government, non-governmental organizations, and tribal communities. The organization’s Founding Board includes leading green chemistry experts such as Dr. Paul Anastas, a former White House advisor on the environment and Director of Yale University’s Center for Green Chemistry and Engineering, and Dr. Lauren Heine, Co-Director of Clean Production Action and developer of Green Screen® for Safer Chemicals, a chemical hazard assessment tool gaining widespread acceptance.
To learn more about the NGC and green chemistry, visit the Washington State Department of Ecology at
NGC support operations are managed by TechLaw, Inc., an environmental management and consulting firm with offices in Seattle and Port Orchard, Wash. Learn more about TechLaw at More about Strategic Mission Marketing can be found at
Interested businesses, non-governmental organizations, business associations and other entities with multiple respondents can receive a dedicated survey link by contacting Sandra Lunceford at Interested individuals can access the survey at