HydroBee on IndieGoGo!

Your Personal USB Power Plant

It's not just backup power for you, it's a technology for creating new power sources! It's happening, just in time for the holidays, in time for you to get an awesome charger for yourself and maybe gift someone else too! The Hydrobee Personal Power Plant is re-designed and glorious and super affordable for early backers of the campaign. Go to https://bit.ly/ShareHydrobee and 1) share and follow us with simple one-click info to your own social media (really, one-click!), and then to our campaign page.

The first backers can get the Hydrobee Power Plant at 50% discount, but only 150 units are available at that price!  Only friends and backers and followers are learning about this, we are waiting for the media push until our friends get the big discounts :-).  Don't wait, we'll be featured in global media soon!

Help make this a success, tell your friends, there's nothing like the Hydrobee and YOU can help design new accessories for it.  Have a great Thanksgiving, and back the Hydrobee for your own personal energy security.