Presenting Company Applications Now Due Friday, April 22; Poster Applications Due Monday, May 2
Procrastinators rejoice! The CleanTech Alliance delivers what everyone needs …more time. Application deadlines to present at the CleanTech Showcase 2016 have been extended.
- Presenting company applications are now due Friday, April 22.
- Emerging company poster session applications are now due Monday, May 2.
- R&D poster session applications are also now due Monday, May 2.
The extended deadlines are a hard stop. No presenting company applications will be accepted after midnight on Friday, April 22. No poster session applications will be accepted after midnight on Monday, May 2.
The CleanTech Showcase is your best opportunity to get the recognition and exposure your cleantech organization deserves. The CleanTech Showcase assembles the industry’s best and brightest to highlight the latest cleantech innovations.
- Network with 350+ industry leaders, investors, media and policymakers.
- Hear and learn from renowned speakers across research, investing and industry.
- Learn from Dr. Steven Ashby, Director of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
- Gain insights from Ira Ehrenpreis, Founder and Managing Partner of DBL Ventures
- Experience the region’s top innovations from 24 presenting companies.
- Engage dozens of researchers and entrepreneurs in interactive poster sessions.
- Visit the Cascadia CleanTech Accelerator startup pavilion.