GSE Systems Selected to Receive Gain Nuclear Energy Voucher for Advanced Nuclear Technology Innovation
GSE Systems, Inc. was awarded a nuclear energy voucher from the Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (“GAIN”). GAIN is an initiative focused on accelerating the innovation and application of advanced nuclear technologies.
GSE’s winning proposal to GAIN was to partner with Idaho National Laboratory (“INL”) to study Human Factors Engineering for the Move to Digital Control Systems – Improved Strategies for Operations. Specifically, GSE and INL have recognized the potential for improvement in plant performance and safety that can be achieved through migrating from current analog panel interfaces to digital piping and instrumentation diagram (“P&ID”) interfaces.
INL is the ideal national laboratory to conduct this work, as it currently has facilities equipped with GSE’s Generic Pressurized Water Reactor (“GPWR”) simulator. The GPWR plant simulator provides the means to conduct thorough and reliable experimentation with both analog panel and digital P&ID-style interfaces. The results of the proposed experimentation should further the industry’s understanding of the benefits and challenges involved in migrating and upgrading plant control interfaces and the strategies for doing so.
“This project will contribute to advancing nuclear energy deployment by enhancing performance and safety, reducing operations cost, and may lead to bringing new products to market by GSE and industry,” explained GSE’s Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Bahram Meyssami. “The scenarios and interfaces used in this effort will be made available to existing and future GPWR users, including universities and training facilities. This project will provide benchmarks for operator performance using generic digital interfaces that can be used in evaluating new control and operations strategies for new plant and human-machine interface (“HMI”) product designs. In addition, the evaluation criteria could be used by regulatory bodies when evaluating new plant and HMI strategies.”
Kyle Loudermilk, GSE’s President and Chief Operating Officer, said, “The fact that GSE was selected by such a prestigious national nuclear laboratory demonstrates the value GSE’s technology provides as a path to accelerate innovation for the industry.”
“DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy established GAIN to provide the nuclear innovator community with assistance to address a range of technology needs,” said GAIN Director Rita Baranwal. “Through these vouchers, GAIN encourages accelerated nuclear technology innovation and promotes progress in the private sector."
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