Snohomish County PUD has been ranked third nationally in business customer satisfaction among a group of large electric utilities in the 2017 E Source “Large Customer Gap & Priority Benchmark Survey.” E Source surveyed more than 1,300 large business customer to identify the best utilities for business customer satisfaction.
“The E Source business surveys give us invaluable insights about our customers to help us improve our account management, increase trust and better serve our customers,” said PUD Assistant General Manager of Customer and Energy Services Jim West.
E Source noted that the PUD scored high in account management, but the utility’s real strength and the primary reason for its high ranking was due to top marks in utility satisfaction and perceived value. The PUD’s large business customers specifically noted the utility’s ability to offer a variety of rates, programs, and services and to provide useful information.
The PUD has a longstanding commitment to helping its customers use energy wisely. In 2017, it again surpassed its energy conservation goals, reaching multiple business sectors including retail, manufacturing, office buildings, restaurants and public sector organizations. Major efficiency projects were completed with multiple customers including Boeing, Providence Regional Medical Center, Canyon Creek Cabinet Company and the Washington State Department of Transportation.
Original press release available on the SnoPUD website.