Clean Energy Fund Grid Modernization Program Accepting Applications

Source: Washington State Department of Commerce, Sept. 17, 2018.

The Department of Commerce is accepting Phase 1 (concept) applications for the Clean Energy Fund 3 (CEF3) Grid Modernization Program beginning Sept. 17. The Notice of Funding Opportunity, application and additional information are available on our website.

The Grid Modernization program was allocated money, through the legislature, for implementing innovative projects through matching grants to Washington’s retail electric utilities in order to provide public benefits.

A bidders’ conference will be held on Sept. 19 from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.  Attendance is highly recommended if you will be submitting an application. If you are not able to attend, all the information will be available on the website mentioned above after Sept. 24. Here is the Skype meeting information to attend:

All applications must be submitted to to Commerce’s Energy Office email address by Oct. 15 at 5 p.m. PST at: with the subject line: Grid Modernization Application.