Sustainable Aviation Fuels Summit
On March 7-8, Earth Day Northwest 2020 is hosting the first-ever Washington Sustainable Aviation Fuels Summit in Seattle. The Port of Seattle, Boeing, Alaska Airlines, and Delta Air Lines, are sponsoring the event. Port Commissioners Fred Felleman and Ryan Calkins will both speak at the conference. Follow @EarthDayNW2020 on Facebook for free live streams of key panels.
“We must pursue the development of sustainable aviation fuels with urgency in order to address the looming climate crisis and to protect the health of communities neighboring Sea-Tac Airport,” explained Port of Seattle Commissioner Fred Felleman.
“The Port of Seattle is uniquely positioned to create markets for sustainably sourced feedstocks that can cost-effectively reduce the use of petroleum-based fuel through the development of partnerships with aviation, agriculture, finance, and public policy. We appreciate the efforts of all the local leaders in academia, business, and government who recognize that we are at an urgent time for our environment and are helping make progress towards a clean energy economy,” said Commissioner Felleman.
Port of Seattle Commission policies have helped make local sustainable aviation fuels a possibility for our region. In December 2017 the Commission became the first airport in the country to establish goals that would increase the amount of local sustainable aviation fuel that the Port would deploy by 2028, 2035, and 2050, sending a clear signal that there will be a Washington market for lower-carbon fuels. In May 2018 the Port announced that 13 airlines signed a memorandum of understanding committing to work together to bring SAF to Sea-Tac Airport. In November 2018, Commissioners budgeted $5 million in the Port’s 2019 budget to support the development of a SAF workplan.