Presented by Srirup Kumar
Recap by guest-contributor Russel Choi-Pearce
Community Engagement Officer for Impact Bioenergy, Srirup Kumar, presented on their anaerobic digestors, the HORSE AD25 and the larger NAUTILUS AD185. The HORSE AD25 and NAUTILUS AD185 are high-solids organic waste recycling systems that convert food and other organic sources to energy and probiotic plant food in a highly stable digestion process without the need for manure or biosolids. The system is also carbon negative. Energy output from the HORSE AD25 and NAUTILUS AD185, designed for 15,000-105,000 BTU/hour and 111,000-555,000BTU/hour power output respectively, can be in the form of electricity, hot water, compressed natural gas vehicle fuel, or heat. The digested raw organic waste can be converted into several forms that work to conserve soil resources and sequester carbon. These systems operate onsite and are targeted at facilities looking to significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Impact Bioenergy is looking for partners to launch and expand operation of the HORSE AD25 and the NAUTILUS AD185.