Source: Washington Department of Commerce, August 9, 2019
Written comments DUE AUG. 26
The Washington Department of Commerce has set two opportunities for stakeholders to provide input on the state’s new appliance standards. Commerce is developing rules to implement legislation enacted by the Legislature earlier this year. The standards will save energy and water for Washington’s consumers and businesses, avoid pollution, and reduce costs.
Background information on these standards and Commerce’s first workshop is available at www,
How to provide written comments: Commerce is seeking comments identifying issues and proposals for consideration in the rule-making process. Comments on any aspect of the rule are welcome. Based on initial input provided at an earlier workshop, Commerce welcomes comments in particular on these topics:
- Electric storage water heaters: Should Commerce consider a delay or phased implementation of the effective date of the design requirement in Section 5 of HB 1444?
- Electric storage water heaters: Should Commerce establish any alternative standard as equivalent to the CTA-2045-A communication interface standard for purposes of Section 5 of HB 1444?
- Labeling (WAC 194-24-050): For each product subject to Washington’s appliance standards, what requirements should Commerce establish for the labeling of covered products as compliant?
- Testing and certification (WAC 194-24-060): For each product subject to Washington appliance standards, what requirements should Commerce establish for manufacturers to verify that the product complies with Washington’s standards and test methods?
- Penalties for noncompliance (WAC 194-24-070): Should the existing rule provisions for enforcement of appliance standards be revised?
Please submit comments by email to no later than Aug. 26. Stakeholder comments will be compiled and posted at
Stakeholder workshop: Sept. 25
Commerce will conduct a workshop on Sept. 25 to discuss initial written comments. Draft rule language will be posted on the appliances website before the meeting and will be discussed at the workshop.
WHEN: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019, 9 a.m. to noon
WHERE: Pacific Tower, Suite 180, 1200 12th Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98144.
Options for remote participation:
- By telephone: (360) 407-3813, access code: 573577