Weekly Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) Bulletin

Source: WA Commerce, November 25, 2019

Nov. 27 comments due on potential rules for demonstrating compliance

Commerce is requesting comments by Nov. 27 on potential rules concerning compliance requirements. The Oct. 21 meeting materials and our informal feedback notes may be useful in preparing comments.

Dec. 6 comments due on low-income energy assistance programs

Following our low-income and equity workshop held on Nov. 4, Commerce is requesting feedback on questions about the implementation of RCW 19.405.120. Commerce has posted a guidance document for feedback. Comments are due Dec. 6.

Dec. 12 workshop in Seattle

Commerce’s Dec. 12 workshop will address reporting requirements for greenhouse gas emissions for electric utilities. RCW 19.405.070 requires each utility report a “greenhouse gas content” calculation for the electricity that it uses to serve Washington customers. Commerce will be developing emissions reporting rules to parallel those of the Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC), which cover investor-owned electric utilities. The UTC has published draft amendments in Docket UE-190652. This work also involves the Department of Ecology. All three agencies will participate in this workshop.

Dec. 16 public hearing on Phase 1 proposed rules

Phase 1 of the rulemaking process moves into its final steps with a public hearing and formal comment opportunity at 10 a.m., Monday, Dec., 16 in Commerce’s Olympia office.

Hearing details are in the proposed rule package posted on Commerce’s CETA webpage. These rules will establish social cost of greenhouse gas emissions and incorporate federal incremental hydro eligibility. Thanks to stakeholders for their comments, questions and suggestions!

Commerce and UTC will convene a discussion of GHG cost methods

The Utilities and Transportation Commission and the Department of Commerce will convene a joint workshop on Jan. 16, 2020, to discuss methods for implementing the new requirement to incorporate greenhouse gas pollution costs in resource planning, evaluation, and selection [RCW 19.280.030(3)]. Details will be provided later.

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Details on these events are available on the CETA rulemaking web page.

Nov. 27Written comment deadlineComments about compliance rules
 Dec. 6 Written comment deadlineComments about low income energy assistance programs
Dec. 12WorkshopEmissions reporting (RCW 19.405.070)
Dec. 16 Public hearing and comment deadlinePhase 1 proposed rules
Jan. 16, 2020WorkshopMethodologies for incorporating social cost of greenhouse gas emissions in utility planning, evaluation and acquisition.

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