Hexas accepted to Cascadia
Cleantech Accelerator. Hexas contracts with
for 5-year research project on giant reed. Planted 25 acres of
giant reed in Hungary for Supply Agreement.
Prototyped giant reed energy briquettes with Ruf
Hexas CEO is guest
on Nori’s Reversing Climate Change podcast.
Signed agreement for
biochar prototyping with Polytechnik.
Located local research farm for production and
testing of Hexas’ proprietary Xano Grass™ ecotypes. Started prototype testing of Xano Grass™ for
small animal bedding with Lignetics.Started negotiations on our 2nd
supply agreement.
Upcoming Events
Hexas CEO speaking
at the International
Biomass Conference in Nashville. First harvest of
Xano Grass™. Resulting feedstock from this harvest will go mostly into
particle boards under our 1st supply agreement, with a small
portion be made into biochar by Polytechnik for testing and grading as a
biochar product.