Weekly CETA Bulletin- April 13

Source: Washington Department of Commerce, April 13, 2020


Emissions reporting and renewable energy credits (RECs) draft rule language release  

Commerce has posted emissions reporting and RECs draft rule language on the CETA rulemaking webpage. The draft rule language will be discussed at Commerce’s April 28 virtual-only workshop on emissions reporting and RECs. Meeting details will be posted in advance of the workshop.    

Thermal renewable energy credit (T-RECs) draft language workshop

On April 20, Commerce will host a virtual-only workshop to discuss the draft rules and stakeholder comments. T-RECs represent the use of biomass energy for a secondary (non-power generation) purpose in a combined heat and power facility. They are an alternative compliance option under CETA’s Greenhouse Gas Neutral standard (RCW 19.405.040). The draft rules were discussed at a stakeholder workshop on March 27, and stakeholder comments and materials from the meeting are available on the CETA rulemaking webpage. Details will be provided before the workshop.

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Details on these events are available on the CETA rulemaking webpage.

 April 20Virtual-only workshopThermal renewable energy credits draft rule language
April 28Virtual-only workshopEmissions reporting draft rule language
May 7Virtual-only workshopPlanning draft rule language
May 21Virtual-only workshopPlanning and compliance draft rule language
June 24WorkshopTBD
July 2WorkshopTBD
July 14WorkshopTBD
Sept. 2WorkshopStreamlining EIA and CETA implementation