Weekly UTC Bulletin- November 17

Source: Utilities and Transportation Commission, November 17, 2020

New workshops, rulemakings, and upcoming dates

The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission invites the public to participate in its work to implement Washington’s 2019 clean energy legislation.

The 2019 Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) requires electric utilities to transition to a carbon-neutral supply of electricity by 2030 and source 100% of their electricity from renewable or non-carbon-emitting sources by 2045.

The commission is conducting numerous rulemakings, workgroups, and other proceedings to implement these changes along with other energy legislation enacted during the 2019 session. 

New announcements

  • Commission headquarters remain closed to the public. Our staff are following Gov. Inslee’s phased reopening plan by teleworking. Open meetings and other official business will continue remotely during this closure. Please see the commission’s COVID-19 response page for more information on impacts to our operations and regulated industries. 
  • See below for time and call-in information regarding the Dec. 1, energy assistance workshop (docket UE-200629).  
  • Last week, the Clean Energy bulletin incorrectly showed that comments were due on Dec. 1. Comments are due on Thursday, Dec. 3

Upcoming events and deadlines

Nov. 18 Work session The Washington Markets Work Group (UE-190760) will hold its second public work session from 9 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Nov 18. The workshop agenda and presentation materials, if any, will be posted to docket UE-190760 by 5 p.m., Nov. 16. There will be an opportunity for public comment following the work session.   Participate via GoToMeeting, or to participate by phone, call 866-899-4679 and enter the access code: 197-684-365. 
Dec. 1WorkshopEnergy assistance policy statement (docket UE-200629). The commission invites stakeholders and the public to a workshop about energy assistance related to Section 12 of the Clean Energy Transformation Act. The workshop will help the commission determine guidance for the policy statement (docket UE-200629) tentatively scheduled for early 2021. Additional details including potential discussion topics and workshop time will be provided in the near future.
Dec. 3  Comments due  Purchases of electricity rulemaking (docket UE-190837). On Nov. 3, the commission issued a notice of opportunity to file written comments on the purchase of electricity CR-102 proposed draft rules by 5 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 3. 
Dec. 3 Comments due IRP and CEIP rulemakings (docket UE-190698 and UE-191023). On Nov. 5, the commission issued a notice of opportunity to file written comments by 5 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 3 on stakeholder filed draft rule language addressing compliance, verification, and documentation of “use” in RCW 19.405.040(1). 
Dec. 9Adoption hearingIRP and CEIP rulemakings (dockets UE-190698 and UE-191023). The commission will hold a public hearing for the adoption of proposed rules in its IRP and CEIP rulemaking. The hearing will begin at 9:30 a.m. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis, the commission will host the adoption hearing virtually. Interested persons may comment on the proposed rules at the hearing.  Participate via Microsoft Teams, or to participate by phone, call (253) 372-2181 and enter the Conference ID: 918 823 796#. 
Dec. 14 Adoption hearingPurchases of electricity rulemaking (docket UE-190837). On Nov. 3, the commission issued a notice of the adoption hearing at 9:30 a.m., Monday, Dec.14. Participate via Microsoft Teams,or to participate by phone, call (253) 372-2181 and enter the Conference ID: 733 235 722#.