Source: Washington Department of Commerce, September 13, 2021
Check out the new CETA website
The CETA team is happy to announce that we have renovated the CETA webpage. The webpage now includes the following features focused on implementation of CETA program elements::
- A landing site for navigating CETA-related webpages
- A compliance and reporting webpage for the public to track upcoming deadlines and access reporting forms, and
- A separate rulemaking webpage to highlight rulemaking documents and upcoming workshops.
Please reach out to Austin Scharff if you have questions or comments about the revised webpage.
Upcoming Workshops
Sept. 27 workshop to focus on “double counting”
The Sept. 27 joint workshop of Commerce and the Utilities and Transportation Commission’s (UTC) will focus on possible rules to prevent double counting when utilities use renewable energy credits (RECs) to comply with CETA. The law allows limited use of unbundled RECs, but only if “there is no double counting of any nonpower attributes … within Washington or programs in other jurisdictions.” Stakeholders submitted written of comments on this topic on June 14, 2021. Those comments are available on the CETA rulemaking webpage under stakeholder comments and on the UTC’s Docket UE-210183.
A meeting agenda and other materials will be posted on the CETA rulemaking webpage ahead of the meeting.
Oct. 4 workshop postponed
Commerce and the Utilities and Transportation Commission have postponed the joint rulemaking workshop scheduled for on Oct. 4 to allow for more time to develop draft rules on use. This topic and additional additional workshops will be scheduled later this fall.