PSE awarded $45 million grant to help improve reliability and resiliency in parts of the Skagit River Valley

The grant is part of the Department of Energy’s Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program

Bellevue, Washington (10/18/2024) Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is proud to announce that its Skagit River Valley Transformation for Climate Resiliency project has been selected for a more than $45 million grant award to provide regional resilience under the U.S. Department of Energy’s GRIP Program.

This transformational grant will allow PSE to perform strategic system undergrounding to prevent service interruptions, deploy situational awareness technologies for faster response times, and add microgrid and black-start capabilities to restore service quickly using zero-carbon hydropower from the Baker River Hydroelectric Project. Pending award negotiations, the project is anticipated to be completed over a four year basis ending in late 2029.

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