Glen Hiemstra addressed a sellout WCTA audience in the offices of UBS last Wed. Among the many perceptive comments he made were:
- The aging of the Baby Boomers will see a spike in the number of people that don’t drive–20% over 65 don’t drive–that will increase demand for public transportation.
- By 2020, the majority of entry level workers will be from minority groups.
- Industry will drive smart grid–installed by 2025. Momentum will begin this year.
- Industry will lead the drive to a cleaner environment, not government–except in China.
- 2011 economic growth will beat the forecasts–3-4 percent.
- Big energy companies will start to acquire new technologies.
- The military will be on the leading edge of clean energy technologies.
- Double closed loop manufacturing will be driven by regulation and branding opportunities.
Thanks to Glen Hiemstra, Chris Leyerle and UBS (Patrick Drum and Jason Hamlin) for a really great breakfast meeting.