US Dept of Commerce Smart Grid Trade Mission to the UK

Why the UK? Why Smart Grids? Why Now?

The U.S.-UK investment relationship is the largest in the world, valued at over $925 billion and creating over two million jobs, about one million in each country.

The UK is the entry market into the European Union for over 40,000 U.S. exporters. Annual U.S. exports to the UK are valued at more than $100 billion.

The UK is the foremost market in the rapidly developing smart grid sector in Europe. Early entry into the UK smart grid sector could serve as a platform for U.S. companies into other European countries.

The UK government and the private sector are backing smart grid technologies with significant investments and incentive schemes:

  • More than $300 billion will be invested in the UK over the next ten years to replace older power plants and upgrade the grid.
  • The UK smart grid market is expected to grow from $380 million in 2010 to $4.5 billion in 2015.
  • $18 billion will be invested in the UK mass roll-out of smart meters, expected to begin in 2014.
  • Private sector utilities are expected to invest more than $65 billion in the upgrade and expansion of the UK’s transmission and distribution networks.

Increase your Export Potential by Identifying Profitable Opportunities in the UK Smart Grid and Electricity Market
The Mission will:

  • Help U.S. companies obtain market information, establish business and government contacts, solidify business strategies, and/or advance specific projects
  • Include group meetings with government officials and industry leaders, including utilities, distribution network operators and technology providers; seminars and briefings on the UK market; site visits; and networking opportunities and receptions.

Date: October 15 -17, 2012
Venue: London

  • $1,200 for small and medium firms (fewer than 500 employees)
  • $2,350 for large firms
  • $600 for each extra representative

* Expenses for travel, lodging, meals, and incidentals will be the responsibility of each mission participant

For More Information:

Claudia Colombo
U.S. Commercial Service
U.S. Embassy, London
Tel. +44-207-894-0443