The Graduate Program on the Environment at The Evergreen State College is a unique, interdisciplinary program in Olympia, Washington that will enter its 30th year in Fall 2013. Students use natural and social sciences to study and solve environmental problems through required core courses, electives, internships, independent study, and a thesis. Graduates go on to work in government, policy, natural resources, nonprofits, environmental education, and sustainable business. The two-year program is made for experiential learners—classes are in the evenings leaving time for jobs, internships, and volunteer experiences. We recognize that the best environmental solutions come from a wide variety of perspectives–that is why we accept all majors, and why our students, who come to us from across the US and abroad, represent a wide range of ages, cultures and expertise.
Classes at Evergreen are credit/no credit, and narrative evaluations are used in place of grades to assess performance, reflecting both student and faculty assessment of learning. In addition, the faculty to student ratio is 15:1; so students may gain full access to faculty expertise. Students earn a Master of Environmental Studies (MES) upon completion. The program offers a variety of scholarships and tuition waivers to qualified students, including AmeriCorps alumni (AmeriCorps members and alumni will also have their application fee waived).
The priority deadline for Fall 2013 applications is February 15. To apply, please go to
Master of Environmental Studies
The Evergreen State College
2700 Evergreen Parkway NW, Olympia, WA 98505
(360) 867-6225 • Fax: (360) 867-5430 •