Scientists create new hydrogen fuel safety app

The Hydrogen Tools app, created with the support of DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, comes at a time when the use of fuel cells is growing. Fuel cells generate electricity by driving electrochemical reactions using hydrogen and air, producing power with dramatically reduced emissions compared to traditional hydrocarbon-based fuels. The only byproducts are heat and water.

“With hydrogen being deployed in a greater number of applications, it’s the perfect time to make a safety tool like this app broadly available. Many people are unfamiliar with the technology, and this app is intended to make the information they need available at their fingertips.”

Hydrogen Tools incorporate a variety of resources and web-based content to help those involved in designing, approving or using hydrogen fuel cell systems and facilities. It includes information about ventilation of hydrogen, safe distances and pressures for storing hydrogen, and best practices for safely handling hydrogen.

Read the original article here.