January 17, 2014 | Brad Boswell | The Legislature is off and running in the first week of the 2014 Legislative Session, with much activity around the shifting members from House to Senate. This year is a short session – meaning it is only supposed to last 60 days.
Both the House and Senate energy committees are working on varying policy issues including, in the House, solar legislation that would create some guidance for third party leasing companies. The Senate continues to also focus on trying to reduce the impacts of Initiative 937 on rate payers. The Governor, in his State of the State Address, continued to push for ongoing efforts in carbon reductions, consistent with the current statutory reduction goals. It is not clear what specific proposal he is going to be bringing forward out of the Climate Legislative Executive Workgroup; however, he appears to be focusing on some kind of cap and trade system and/or low carbon fuel standards similar to California. Significant opposition is amassing to those concepts from both the industrial sector and the Senate Majority Coalition Caucus. Efforts continue to get an extension of the high tech tax credit. We expect final draft legislation to be out next week and for hearings to proceed after that.
About Brad
Brad Boswell has provided political consulting services for over 16 years and has developed a wide range of knowledge and expertise. Brad’s extensive lobbying experience includes a diverse client back ground in a host of issue areas including: health care; tax and fiscal policy; environmental policy; transportation and general business. Brad has also coordinated a variety of grass roots and public relations efforts. In addition to his lobbying work, Brad has helped organize a variety of non-profit trade and social service associations. Brad’s diverse background gives him the ability to develop effective strategies, build strong coalitions and deliver critical messages to achieve legislative objectives on behalf of his clients.