Demystification of the Asian Development Bank

This Business Opportunities Seminar is designed for U.S. manufacturers, suppliers, project developers and consultants to learn how to bid successfully on consulting and infrastructure projects supported financially by the Asian Development Bank in forty-two Asian development countries.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) was created in 1996 to improve the living standards of its 67 member countries. By wisely targeting investments such as loans, grants, and expertise to countries such as India, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, and others spanning the Pacific Islands and Central Asia, the ADB is able to help create a world in which everyone can share in the benefits of sustained and inclusive growth. The objective is to alleviate poverty by promoting private sector development/operations, good governance and capacity development, gender equity, knowledge solutions, and partnerships. Key sectors include infrastructure, environment, transportation, agriculture, finance sector development, and education. Despite the need for infrastructure improvement, the Asia and Pacific region contributes one-third of global output and over half of global economic growth. In fact, growth in the region is forecast to grow moderately at an average of 6.3% in 2014-2015. In 2013, ADB assistance totaled $21.02B, including $14.38B financed by ADB and $6.65B in co-financing.

Speakers include:

  • Ambassador Robert M. Orr, Asian Development Bank, Manila, the Philippines
  • The Honorable Jim McDermott, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC
  • Mr. John Brislin, Director, Seattle Regional Office, Export-Import Bank of the United States
  • Ms. Sandra Edwards, Regional Manager, Export Solutions Group, U.S. SBA, Office of International Trade
  • Mr. Sam Kaplan, President, TDA, Private Sector Liaison Officer of the World Bank, Seattle
  • Mr. Doug Kemper, President and CEO, Export Finance Assistance Center of  Washington
  • Ms. Margaret Keshishian,Director, U.S. Commercial Service Liaison Office, ADB, Manila, the Philippines
  • Mr. Amr J. Qari, Senior Procurement Specialist, ADB, Manila
  • Mr. Craig Steffensen, ADB, North American Representative Office, Washington, DC
  • Mr. Rob Wilson, President, Emission Technologies, Inc.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Seminar   Registration begins at 8:00am, Program 8:30am-4:30pm

K&L Gates LLP, 925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900, Seattle, WA  98104

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

One-on-One Meetings at the USEAC, 2001 6th Avenue, Suite 2600, Seattle, WA  98121

Contact Bob Deane at 206-553-5615 x 225 for one-on-one meetings with:

Ms. Keshsihian and Ms. Santos, Mr. Amr J. Qari, or Mr. Steffensen

Cost:                     $65.00 per person, $85.00 at the door, registration fee includes lunch on Monday


Deadline to register:  Thursday, July 31, 2014

Important program support comes from:

  • Ex-Im Bank of the United States
  • Export Finance Assistance Center of Washington
  • K&L Gates LLP
  • Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle
  • Washington State China Relations Council
  • Washington State Dept. of Commerce
  • Washington State District Export Council
  • U.S. Small Business Administration