ARPA-E Announces $125 Million Open Funding Announcement

The U.S. Department of Energy’s ARPA-E (Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy) issued a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) on January 7, 2015, worth $125 million. The FOA is only the third open solicitation in ARPA-E’s history. 

According to ARPA-E, the FOA seeks proposals to support the development of potentially disruptive new technologies across the full spectrum of energy applications, research and development. This includes both transportation and stationary applications across:

  • Electricity generation by both renewable and non-renewable means;
  • Electricity transmission, storage and distribution;
  • Energy efficiency for buildings, manufacturing, commerce and personal use; and
  • All aspects of transportation, including the production and distribution of both renewable and non-renewable fuels, electrification and energy efficiency in transportation. 

The call for proposals is admittedly broad. According to ARPA-E, it is impossible to better define the FOA’s technical targets. Instead, applicants should address the potential impact of the proposed technology on the agency’s mission of reducing imported energy, reducing energy-related emissions and improving energy efficiency. The critical question for applicants to consider is: “If it works, will it matter?”

Applications must enter initial information into ARPA-E eXCHANGE by February 20, 2015, with concept papers due by February 27, 2015. Funding awards may vary between $1 million and $10 million with one, multiple or no awards granted as a result of the FOA.

More information is available on the ARPA-E website.