Sustainable Seattle announced winners of its 2015 Sustainability Leadership Awards to a packed MOHAI audience on Friday night. The festive event blended lively networking with good food and conversation. In total eight awards were presented, including:
Individual Award
Sustainable Hero: BJ Cummings, founder of the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition, for her leadership in empowering residents to bring their voices to the table in the "River for All" campaign, building EPA and government support for cleanup of the superfund site.
Category Awards
Significant Newcomer: Tiny Trees Preschool for its innovative approach to making outdoor preschool education affordable for a wide range of families.
Creative Solution: Co-winners include Forterra and the City of Tukwila for their collaborative approach addressing sustainability challenges in the diverse community of Tukwila, and RE-USE Consulting for finding sustainable alternatives to demolition.
Setting and Example: The Seattle Mariners for their leadership in sustainable ballpark operations since 2006.
Transportation Changer: Pronto Cycle Share for providing access to a low-cost, fast, flexible, and convenient transportation alternative.
Resource Impact: Co-winners include Pike Place Market PDA and Seattle Tilth for bringing healthy food access to hundreds of Seattle's most vulnerable families; and Travelers Against Plastic for their initiative to educate global travelers about the harmful impacts of plastic water bottle usage.
Transforming Spaces: Co-winners include Highland Park Improvement Club, the Nature Consortium, and Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition, highlighting their work in building healthier, vibrant communities in South Seattle.
People’s Choice Award
Winners Pike Place Market PDA and Seattle Tilthe