Field Notes: Chennai Flooding and Other Photos from India

Tom Ranken, CleanTech Alliance President & CEO, is taking part in the Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle cleantech mission to India. Follow his journey on Twitter or at

Near the Leela Hotel. This is a street.

The Leela Palace, Chennai. Pretty great hotel.

The wedding band.
Thought they could have used a slide guitarist.

Beautiful wedding at the hotel–but only about a quarter of
the expected guests showed up due to flooding.

The wedding couple. Everyone was extraordinarily
nice–we were asked to stay for the lunch.

This is a pretty normal sight from the hotel window.

Not far from the hotel. Normally a street.

Hotel walls outside of the lobby.

A street/river scene outside of the
Leela Palace in Chennai.

Down river from the Leela
Bikes might be the best transportation at the moment. A little friend outside of the hotel