Paige Carratturo
Enertech Search Partners
As consumers and commercial customers take charge of how much electricity they use and how it’s produced, utilities, smart grid and renewable energy companies are innovating and collaborating on new business models. As Flutura Decision Science Analytics writes, there are three irreversible “D” forces at work redefining the energy markets:
- Deregulation and the emergence of retail energy providers in markets like Texas and New Jersey.
- Decentralization and the growth of distributed power from the maturation of wind and solar.
- Digitization and increased instrumentation of the grid with sensors, SCADA and smart meters
Utilities and technology companies are mapping out new avenues to take advantage of these 3 “D” shifts in the energy sector, as well as navigating increasing government mandates on access to distributed generation. These issues are not technology problems, they are business puzzles that creative thinkers and clever negotiators must figure out.
As a leading clean energy recruiting firm, Enertech Search Partners is seeing companies across the sector focus on obtaining key marketing and business development personnel to capitalize on the opportunities presented by deregulation, decentrailization, and digitization. As the relationships between utilities, grid-edge, renewable and storage companies mature, it ultimately will be the brightest minds, not the best technology, that take the advantage. Do you have the brightest minds?
What will it take to shift from 2D to 3D Era?
Increases in distributed generation and a prosumer culture are just a few of the challenges utility businesses are facing. Additionally, issues such as transmission capacity constraints, extreme weather events, and aging infrastructure systems are all threatening reliability. With so many challenges to confront, utilities are finding they can lean on emerging technology companies like PayGo, Spirae and Sunverge to put their brightest minds to work on behalf of utilities and help them navigate the complicated and conflicting business evolution of energy. Recently Enertech has assisted Sunverge with the following talent acquisition searches to assist them with being a leader in this new era.
In the 3D energy era, success will be heavily impacted by personnel IP. It will be the brightest teams of people who will open up doors of partnership and win-win-win scenarios for utilities, customers, and technology providers. Innovative and successful teams help leapfrog their companies over competitors and snag coveted acquisition opportunities. As a result, these companies will exhibit remarkable revenue models and develop innovative marketing processes that garner attention and the key customers.
Paige Carratturo is the CEO and Founder of the global recruiting firm Enertech Search Partners. The firm exclusively represents growth companies with track records of executing transformative deals, as well as top performing revenue generators in the cleantech, energy and sustainability sectors. Before founding Enertech Search, Paige was a Senior Executive Recruiter of Energy and Technology at Richard, Wayne & Roberts, one of the largest single-office contingency search firms in the country.