Do you suffer from speaker’s anxiety? Does your discomfort make it difficult to pitch your company? Show potential funders your confidence in your ability to make their investment pay off with a confident pitch.
Connie Miller, a public speaking coach that works with Cascadia CleanTech Accelerator cohort companies, is conducting two Saturday morning public speaking workshops from 9-12 at the Mercer Island Community Center on Oct. 21st (registration ends on Oct. 6th) and on Nov. 18th (registration ends on Nov. 2nd). The fee is $95 for each and includes written materials to support your learning.
This highly interactive workshop focuses on speaker’s anxiety or stage fright and teaches you what it is and how to shift out of that condition to be able to engage audience members effectively and think on your feet. Miller uses a series of exercises that moves them step by step into comfort and presence. She has had great success with her clients and has coached many entrepreneurs to get over their anxiety and pitch with confidence.
For more information or to register, click on the date: