“A Green Future for Freight”
Speaker: Eric Beckwitt, CEO – Freightera
Recap by: Russ Weed, President – CleanTech Strategies
February 13, 2019
Some noteworthy comments from Eric’s presentation:
* all about reducing friction
* not about us, it’s about climate 100 years from now
* as much about agroecology as anything else [see Eric’s slide 3]
* freight often in “emissions commons” not covered by Paris Treaty, etc.
* matter of implementing “slow steaming” (as a regular business practice)
* discussion of branding – example of DHL in North America versus Europe
* amazing conversation with industry player – wants sustainable electric rather than gas hybrid
* people voting with wallets – must cost same or less
* drive demand to lowest emissions now, foster technology adoption
* no reason to burn so much sludge (bilge oil in ships) – equivalent of billions of cars
* explain rather than tell people what to do – that moment of people getting it and moving
* how to minimize cost impact of electrification – increasingly local electricity generation
* solution of physical internet – packetization of freight (generic boxes with IP addresses)