As a courtesy to clients and friends, the K&L Gates Power practice has updated the Energy Storage Handbook. This Energy Storage Handbook is designed to be a basic primer on what energy storage is, how it is regulated by federal and state governments, and what sorts of issues are encountered when such projects are financed and developed. While this Handbook is not meant to be a definitive catalog of every energy storage law and issue existing in today’s marketplace, we have endeavored to highlight the most common regulatory and development issues faced by our clients and the industries that we serve. We anticipate continuing to update this Handbook as additional states and stakeholders continue to address the implementation of energy storage resources in the marketplace. We hope you find it useful and welcome your feedback.
New in Version 4.0:
- The latest in financing and solar + storage agreements:
- The latest in financing and solar + storage agreements
- New developments for California and New York
- New insurance products to mitigate performance risk
- Reviews of the RTO/ISO’s FERC Order 841 compliance filings
- Review of FERC Order 845-A, clarifying and revising Order 845