Source: Washington Department of Commerce, April 12, 2021
Public hearing for Phase 3 rules
1 p.m. PST, Wednesday, April 28
Commerce will be holding a public hearing on a proposed rule to define two terms used in CETA: energy assistance need and low-income. The hearing is at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, April 28.
The proposed rule defines energy assistance need as the amount of assistance necessary to achieve an energy burden equal to 6% of household income for utility customers. Low-income is defined as household incomes that do not exceed higher of 80% of area median income or 200% of federal poverty level, adjusted for household size. These definitions are the same definitions adopted by the Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC).
Meeting details and materials are posted on the CETA webpage.
Written comments may be submitted to by the close of business Wednesday, April 28.
Joint Commerce/UTC resource adequacy meeting scheduled
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. PST, Tuesday, May 11
Click here for more information
Commerce is partnering with the UTC to hold an annual meeting to discuss issues related to resource adequacy for utilities in Washington State.
Meeting details and materials will be posted on the Commerce Resource Adequacy webpage prior to the meeting.
RCW 19.280.065 requires Commerce and the UTC to hold annual meetings and provide a summary to the governor and legislature. The meeting will be of interest to representatives of investor- and consumer-owned utilities, regional planning organizations, transmission operators, and other stakeholders. The meeting will be to discuss the current, short-term, and long-term adequacy of energy resources to serve the state’s electric needs. Topics covered will include identifying specific steps utilities can take to coordinate planning in light of significant changes to the Northwest’s power system. Those changes include, but are not limited to, technological developments, retirements of legacy baseload power generation resources, and changes in laws and regulations affecting power supply options.
A summary of the Resource Adequacy meetings, including any specific action items suggested by participants, will be submitted to the governor and legislature within 60 days of each meeting and will be posted on the Resource Adequacy webpage. The meetings will take place through 2024.
Questions can be directed to Commerce Senior Energy Policy Specialist Kate Kelly at or (360) 628-6846