Week Six
Tuesday marked a major deadline for the 2022 legislative session. All bills needed to pass out of their chamber of origin to stay alive. The last bill must begin debate by 5:00 PM on cutoff day in order to be considered. Leading up to the deadline the legislature debated many controversial proposals for several hours taking up significant floor time, leaving several bills to die on the House and Senate floor calendars. However, any bill that is deemed necessary to implement the budget is not subject to cutoffs.
Notable pieces of legislation that made it through before the cutoff include HB 1837, which is legislation that would restore the state’s ability to address work-related musculoskeletal injuries. This piece of legislation is particularly controversial as it would seek to overturn a longstanding prohibition on L&I rulemaking authority on this topic as a result of an initiative. I-841 was passed by voters in 2003 and repealed the ergonomics rule and prevented new rulemaking unless a federal standard is adopted. The floor debate took 9 hours total, the house debated 18 amendments and final adoption through the night. Ultimately the vote passed by a very slim margin 50-48 and will now move to the Senate for further consideration.
Priority pieces of legislation that failed to make it through the cutoff include Governor request legislation, HB 1782, related to middle housing. The bill requires local jurisdictions to allow for more dense housing options in areas that have been traditionally zoned for single-family housing. The bill has been controversial as it moved through the legislative process. Low-income housing advocates support the legislation while local jurisdictions and local level homeowners have concerns. This year, there was more broad support for the bill as environmentalists, realtors, and other groups weighed in with support. However, ultimately the bill did not move forward.
Last week, the Democrats released their transportation plan called “Move Ahead Washington.” On Tuesday, the Senate brought the revenue portion of the package, SB 5974, to the floor for a vote which passed 29-20. On Wednesday, House Transportation leadership Representatives Fey and Barkis joined The Impact for an in depth interview and look at the $16.8 billion dollar proposal. To watch that video, click here.
On Wednesday, the Senate released their Capital Budget Proposal and the largest spending areas are as follows; $472 for housing, $120 million for broadband, $327 for water, and $115 million for school seismic safety. To see a more detailed report, click here. It is anticipated that the House will release their version on Monday.
Wednesday, the state Economic & Revenue Forecast Council released the February Revenue Forecast which projected a $2.774 billion increase in revenue. This amount combined with the prior increases experienced since lawmakers adopted the 2021-23 budget, revenues have now exceeded expectations by $10.5 billion. The House and Senate are expected to release the rest of their budget proposals on Monday, with hearings to follow. Negotiations between the House and Senate will begin and the final budget must pass the legislature by March 10th.
In a press release on Thursday, Governor Jay Inslee provided next steps in the changing COVID protocols relating to mask mandates. With dropping hospitalization rates, beginning March 21st Washingtonians will no longer be required to wear masks in most places. You can read the full update here.
Some notable videos of interest this week include the Virtual Town Hall on Climate where Governor Inslee joined former Vice President Al Gore and current White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy; click here to watch. Republican leadership availability was hosted by House Leader J.T. Wilcox and Rep. Eric Robertson and Senate Minority Leader John Braun and Senate Whip Keith Waggoner. During this discussion, the republicans discussed cutoffs, their perspective on how session is going so far, and their priorities for the remainder of session. During the Democratic leadership availability, Majority Leader Senator Andy Billig and Deputy Majority Leader Rebecca Saldana joined from the Senate and House Speaker Laurie Jinkins and Majority Leader Pat Sullivan joined from the House. Democrats were given the opportunity to provide insight on many different issues they are facing right now.
Following the House of Origin cutoff legislators will go back to committee hearings and executive sessions until the Opposite House Fiscal Cut Off on February 24th.
We continue to monitor the transportation package as it moves through the legislative process. We are reviewing the Senate Capital Budget proposal as well; the House version is expected to launch on Monday.
HB 1846 – Providing a tax preference for rural and nonrural data centers
This bill includes Representative Boehnke’s tax credit for CleanTech issues. Because this bill is considered a tax bill, the proposal remains alive despite cutoffs. On Thursday, February 17th, the bill had executive action in the House Finance Committee and was voted out (11-6).
SB 5910 – Accelerating the availability and use of renewable hydrogen in Washington state
This legislation, sponsored by Senator Carlyle, establishes the Office of Renewable Fuels as well as the Renewable Fuels Accelerator Account. It also aims to assist in securing federal funding for clean hydrogen in our state, and authorizes municipal and public utility districts to produce, use, sell, and distribute renewable and electrolytic hydrogen. The bill was pulled onto floor for a vote on February 12th and was passed out of Senate unanimously. The bill now moves to the House and is scheduled for a public hearing in front of the Environment and Energy Committee on Tuesday, February 22nd at 8:00 AM; executive session is scheduled on Thursday, February 24th at 10:00 AM.
HB 1896 – Providing for responsible environmental management of batteries
This legislation, sponsored by Representative Harris-Talley, intends to create a stewardship program around batteries and guidelines around disposal. The bill did not move out of its originating house by the cutoff on Monday; this bill can be considered dead.
SB 5842 – Concerning state laws that address climate change
During the legislation’s public hearing in Environment & Energy Committee on Friday, February 18th, The bill is scheduled for executive session on Tuesday, February 22nd at 8:00 AM.
Hearings of Interest:
House Environment & Energy – 2/22/2022 8:00 AM
Public Hearing:
- SSB 5678 – Concerning energy transformation, nonemitting electric generation, and renewable resource project analysis and declaratory orders. (Remote testimony.)
- SSB 5910 – Accelerating the availability and use of renewable hydrogen in Washington state. (Remote testimony.)
- SSB 5626 – Adding a climate resilience element to water system plans. (Remote testimony.)
- 2SSB 5703 – Concerning the use of toxic chemicals in cosmetic products. (Remote testimony.)
- E2SSB 5885 – Concerning marine shoreline habitat. (Remote testimony.)
Possible Executive Session:
- SSB 5722 – Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in buildings.
- ESSB 5428 – Concerning the application of the state environmental policy act to temporary shelters and transitional encampments.
- E2SSB 5842 – Concerning state laws that address climate change.
- SB 5042 – Concerning the effective date of certain actions taken under the growth management act.
- SB 5312 – Facilitating transit-oriented development and increasing housing inventory.
- SB 5585 – Setting domestic wastewater discharge fees.
House Environment & Energy – 2/24/2022 10:00 AM
Public Hearing:
- SSB 5590 – Eliminating the 2022 expiration date of the marine resources advisory council. (Remote testimony.)
- SSB 5818 – Promoting housing construction in cities through amendments to and limiting appeals under the state environmental policy act and growth management act. (Remote testimony.)
Possible Executive Session:
- SSB 5678 – Concerning energy transformation, nonemitting electric generation, and renewable resource project analysis and declaratory orders.
- SSB 5910 – Accelerating the availability and use of renewable hydrogen in Washington state.
- SSB 5626 – Adding a climate resilience element to water system plans.
- 2SSB 5703 – Concerning the use of toxic chemicals in cosmetic products.
- SSB 5590 – Eliminating the 2022 expiration date of the marine resources advisory council.
- E2SSB 5885 – Concerning marine shoreline habitat.
- SSB 5818 – Promoting housing construction in cities through amendments to and limiting appeals under the state environmental policy act and growth management act.
Senate Environment, Energy & Technology – 2/22/2022 10:30 AM
Executive Session:
- ESHB 1753 – Concerning tribal consultation regarding the use of certain funding authorized by the climate commitment act.
- HB 1978 – Concerning shoreline master program review schedules.
- SHB 1623 – Addressing the extent to which Washington residents are at risk of rolling blackouts and power supply inadequacy events.
- ESHB 1673 – Concerning broadband infrastructure loans and grants made by the public works board.
- ESHB 1619 – Concerning appliance efficiency standards.
Public Hearing:
- E2SHB 1691 – Concerning financial responsibility requirements related to oil spills. (Remote testimony.)
- ESHB 1694 – Concerning logistical processes for the regulation of priority chemicals in consumer products. (Remote testimony.)
Senate Environment, Energy & Technology – 2/23/2022 8:00 AM
Executive Session:
- E2SHB 1799 – Concerning organic materials management.
- E2SHB 1812 – Modernizing the energy facility site evaluation council to meet the state’s clean energy goals.
- ESHB 1770 – Strengthening energy codes.
- HB 1280 – Concerning greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the design of public facilities.
- E2SHB 1663 – Reducing methane emissions from landfills.
- E2SHB 1691 – Concerning financial responsibility requirements related to oil spills.
- ESHB 1694 – Concerning logistical processes for the regulation of priority chemicals in consumer products.
- SHB 1768 – Updating definitions applicable to energy conservation projects involving public entities.
Public Hearing:
- E2SHB 1723 – Closing the digital equity divide by increasing the accessibility and affordability of telecommunications services, devices, and training. (Remote testimony.)
Senate Environment, Energy & Technology – 2/24/2022 10:30 AM
Executive Session:
- E2SHB 1723 – Closing the digital equity divide by increasing the accessibility and affordability of telecommunications services, devices, and training.
House Capital Budget – 2/22/2022 1:30 PM
Public Hearing:
- HB 1781 – Concerning the capital budget. (Hearing is on the proposed substitute bill).
- PSHB 1781 – Concerning the capital budget. (Remote testimony.)
House Capital Budget – 2/24/2022 8:00 AM
Executive Session:
- HB 1781 – Concerning the capital budget.
Public Hearing:
- SB 5782 – Concerning the defense community compatibility account. (Remote testimony.)
- SB 5844 – Concerning work performed by institutions of higher education. (Remote testimony.)
- SB 5895 – Concerning timing restrictions for remedial action grants to local government. (Remote testimony.)
House Capital Budget – 2/25/2022 8:00 AM
Public Hearing:
- ESB 5017 – Clarifying school district procurement requirements for personal service contracts for construction management, value engineering, constructibility review, and building commissioning. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Clarifying school district procurement requirements for service contracts for construction management, value engineering, constructibility review, and building commissioning.) (Remote testimony.)
- SB 5487 – Concerning small school district consolidation incentives for infrastructure enhancement and modernization. (Remote testimony.)
- SSB 5933 – Establishing a school seismic safety grant program. (Remote testimony.)
Senate Ways & Means – 2/21/2022 4:00 PM
Public Hearing:
- SB 5693 – Making 2021-2023 fiscal biennium supplemental operating appropriations. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.)
- K-12 public schools. (Remote testimony.)
- Higher education. (Remote testimony.)
- Early learning. (Remote testimony.)
- Employee compensation. (Remote testimony.)
- Mental health. (Remote testimony.)
- Human services. (Remote testimony.)
- Natural resources. (Remote testimony.)
- All other. (Remote testimony.)
Executive Session:
- SB 5651 – Concerning the capital budget.
Senate Ways & Means – 2/22/2022 4:00 PM
Public Hearing:
- EHB 1752 – Adding a Roth option to deferred compensation plans. (Remote testimony.)
- SSB 5760 – Updating and expanding the motion picture competitiveness program. (Remote testimony.)
- HB 1666 – Clarifying the method for determining the value of specified tangible personal property incorporated as part of certain public infrastructure for the purposes of use tax and business and occupation tax. (Remote testimony.)
- SB 5967 – Imposing a state climate resiliency and mitigation surcharge on large financial institutions financing the global fossil fuel industry while recognizing the financial institution industry’s efforts to address climate change. (Remote testimony.)
- SB 5841 – Incentivizing cities and counties to increase employment of commissioned law enforcement officers. (Remote testimony.)
- SB 5459 – Creating a business and occupation tax deduction for credit card processing companies. (Remote testimony.)
- SHB 1789 – Establishing a property tax exemption for adult family homes that serve people with intellectual or developmental disabilities and are owned by a nonprofit. (Remote testimony.)
- HB 1888 – Allowing the department of revenue to adjust the rates of remittance reductions in the working families’ tax credit in order to align with federal maximum qualifying income levels. (Remote testimony.)
- EHB 2096 – Concerning the working families’ tax exemption, also known as the working families tax credit. (Remote testimony.)
- EHB 1982 – Clarifying the applicability of penalty and interest on personal property taxes. (Remote testimony.)
- SHB 1590 – Concerning enrollment stabilization funding to address enrollment declines due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Remote testimony.)
- 2SHB 1664 – Concerning prototypical school formulas for physical, social, and emotional support in schools. (Remote testimony.)
Executive Session:
- HB 1647 – Concerning the building for the arts program.
- HB 1765 – Ensuring the ongoing sustainability and vitality of the Washington health benefit exchange by eliminating the expiration date of its business and occupation tax exemption.
- ESHB 1699 – Permitting individuals retired from the public employees retirement system, the teachers retirement system, and the school employees retirement system additional opportunities to work for a school district for up to 1,040 hours per school year while in receipt of pension benefits until July 1, 2025.
- SHB 1701 – Concerning law enforcement officers’ and firefighters’ retirement system benefits.
- HB 1804 – Concerning interruptive military service credit for members of the state retirement systems.
- 2SSB 5085 – Modifying the alternative fuel vehicle fee for electric motorcycles.
Senate Ways & Means – 2/23/2022 3:00 PM
Executive Session:
- SB 5693 – Making 2021-2023 fiscal biennium supplemental operating appropriations.
Important Dates:
Feb 3 – House of Origin Policy Cutoff
Feb 7 – House of Origin Fiscal Cutoff
Feb 15 – House of Origin Floor Cutoff
Feb 24 – Opposite House Policy Cutoff
Feb 28 – Opposite House Fiscal Cutoff
March 4 – Opposite House Floor Cutoff
Clean Tech Alliance Bill Status & Upcoming Events Report
Upcoming Events
Transportation (House) – Virtual – 2/21 @ 3:30pm
• HB 2118 – Public Hearing – Concerning additive transportation funding and appropriations. (Remote testimony.)
Transportation (Senate) – Virtual – 2/21 @ 4:00pm
• SB 5975 – Public Hearing – Concerning additive transportation funding and appropriations. (Remote testimony.)
Ways & Means (Senate) – Virtual – 2/21 @ 4:00pm
• SB 5651 – Exec Session – Concerning the capital budget.
Business, Financial Services & Trade (Senate) – Virtual – 2/22 @ 8:00am
• 2SHB 1173 – Exec Session – Concerning state lands development authorities. (Support/High)
Environment & Energy (House) – Virtual – 2/22 @ 8:00am
• SSB 5678 – Public Hearing – Concerning energy transformation, nonemitting electric generation, and renewable resource project analysis and declaratory orders. (Remote testimony.)
• SSB 5722 – Exec Session – Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in buildings.
• SSB 5910 – Public Hearing – Accelerating the availability and use of renewable hydrogen in Washington state. (Remote testimony.)
Environment, Energy & Technology (Senate) – Virtual – 2/22 @ 10:30am
• EHB 1964 – Public Hearing – Concerning the decommissioning of alternative energy facilities. (Remote testimony.)
Capital Budget (House) – Virtual – 2/22 @ 1:30pm
• HB 1781 – Public Hearing – Concerning the capital budget. (Hearing is on the proposed substitute bill).
Transportation (House) – Virtual – 2/22 @ 3:30pm
• HB 2119 – Exec Session – Addressing transportation resources.
Housing & Local Government (Senate) – Virtual – 2/23 @ 10:30am
• E2SHB 1117 – Exec Session – Promoting salmon recovery through revisions to the state’s comprehensive planning framework.
Transportation (Senate) – Virtual – 2/23 @ 3:00pm
• SB 5975 – Exec Session – Concerning additive transportation funding and appropriations.
Capital Budget (House) – Virtual – 2/24 @ 8:00am
• HB 1781 – Exec Session – Concerning the capital budget.
Environment & Energy (House) – Virtual – 2/24 @ 10:00am
• SSB 5678 – Exec Session – Concerning energy transformation, nonemitting electric generation, and renewable resource project analysis and declaratory orders.
• SSB 5910 – Exec Session – Accelerating the availability and use of renewable hydrogen in Washington state.
Transportation (House) – Virtual – 2/24 @ 1:30pm
• HB 2118 – Exec Session – Concerning additive transportation funding and appropriations.
Bill # | Abbrev. Title | Short Description | Status | Sponsor |
HB 1036 (Dead) | Transportation fuel/carbon | Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the carbon intensity of transportation fuel. | H Env & Energy | Fitzgibbon |
HB 1046 (Dead) | Community solar programs | Concerning community solar programs. | H Env & Energy | Bateman |
SHB 1081 (Dead) (ESSB 5084) | State gen. obligation bonds | Concerning state general obligation bonds and related accounts. | H Rules X | Tharinger |
SHB 1084 (Dead) (SB 5093) | Building decarbonization | Reducing statewide greenhouse gas emissions by achieving greater decarbonization of residential and commercial buildings. | H Approps | Ramel |
HB 1093 (Dead) (SB 5091) | Operating budget, 2nd supp. | Making 2019-2021 fiscal biennium second supplemental operating appropriations. | H Approps | Ormsby |
SHB 1094 (Dead) (ESSB 5092) | Operating budget | Making 2021-2023 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. | H Rules X | Ormsby |
SHB 1103 (Dead) (SB 5366) | Building materials | Improving environmental and social outcomes with the production of building materials. | H Approps | Duerr |
E2SHB 1117 | Comp. planning/salmon | Promoting salmon recovery through revisions to the state’s comprehensive planning framework. | S Housing & Local | Lekanoff |
HB 1125 (Dead) | Energy investments | Incentivizing investment in energy conservation and efficiency measures and expanding opportunities for energy rate discounts to, among other objectives, reduce the energy burden of low-income customers and vulnerable populations. | H Env & Energy | Shewmake |
HB 1130 (Dead) | Energy supply/consumers | Concerning consumer affordability and reliability in energy supply. | H Env & Energy | Dye |
SHB 1135 (Dead) (SSB 5165) | Transp. budget 2021-2023 | Making transportation appropriations for the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium. | H Rules X | Fey |
2SHB 1173 | State lands development auth | Concerning state lands development authorities. | S Business, Finan | Berry |
SHB 1204 (Dead) (SB 5256) | Transp. electrification | Concerning the electrification of transportation. | H Rules X | Macri |
HB 1280 | Greenhouse gas/facilities | Concerning greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the design of public facilities. | S Environment, En | Ramel |
SHB 1406 (Dead) (SB 5426) | Wealth tax | Improving the equity of Washington state’s tax code by creating the Washington state wealth tax and taxing extraordinary financial intangible assets. | H Approps | Frame |
HB 1513 (Dead) | Carbon emissions | Improving environmental health by reducing carbon emissions through increasing climate resilience and mitigating the effects of climate change by levying a carbon pollution tax, authorizing a climate finance bond program, and investing in clean economic growth. | H Env & Energy | Lekanoff |
HB 1534 (Dead) | Carbon pollution tax | Establishing a carbon pollution tax that recognizes the nature of energy-intensive, trade-exposed industries. | H Env & Energy | Shewmake |
HB 1766 (Dead) (SB 5668) | Gas companies | Modifying the regulation of gas companies to achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. | H Env & Energy | Ramel |
HB 1767 (Dead) (SB 5666) | Targeted electrification | Concerning the authority of publicly owned electric utilities to engage in targeted electrification through the adoption of plans that establish a finding that utility outreach and investment in the conversion of its customers’ end use equipment from fossil fuels to electricity will provide net benefits to the utility. | H 2nd Reading | Ramel |
SHB 1768 | Energy conservation projects | Updating definitions applicable to energy conservation projects involving public entities. | S Environment, E | Duerr |
ESHB 1770 (SB 5669) | Energy codes | Strengthening energy codes. | S Environment, En | Duerr |
HB 1774 (Dead) (SSB 5722) | Greenhouse gases/buildings | Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in buildings. | H Env & Energy | Hackney |
HB 1781 (SB 5651) | Capital budget, supplemental | Concerning the capital budget. | H Cap Budget | Tharinger |
E2SHB 1812 | Energy facility site council | Modernizing the energy facility site evaluation council to meet the state’s clean energy goals. | S Environment, En | Fitzgibbon |
SHB 1864 (Dead) | Leadership and security | Concerning economic development through advanced technology leadership and security. | H FINDPS | Boehnke |
EHB 1964 | Alternative energy decomm. | Concerning the decommissioning of alternative energy facilities. | S Environment, En | Corry |
SHB 1988 (Dead) (SSB 5744) | Clean tech. tax deferrals | Concerning tax deferrals for investment projects in clean technology manufacturing, clean alternative fuels production, and renewable energy storage. | H FINDPS | Shewmake |
HB 2002 (Dead) | Energy infrastructure siting | Concerning the siting of energy infrastructure necessary for the fulfillment of the state’s decarbonization goals. | H Env & Energy | Fitzgibbon |
HB 2118 (Dead) (SB 5975) | Additive transp. funding | Concerning additive transportation funding and appropriations. | H Transportation | Fey |
HB 2119 (Dead) (ESSB 5974) | Transportation resources | Addressing transportation resources. | H Transportation | Fey |
ESSB 5083 (Dead) (SHB 1080) | Capital budget 2021-2023 | Concerning the capital budget. | S Rules X | Frockt |
SB 5091 (Dead) (HB 1093) | Operating budget, 2nd supp. | Making 2019-2021 fiscal biennium second supplemental operating appropriations. | S Ways & Means | Rolfes |
SB 5093 (Dead) (SHB 1084) | Building decarbonization | Reducing statewide greenhouse gas emissions by achieving greater decarbonization of residential and commercial buildings. | S Environment, E | Liias |
SB 5168 (Dead) | Electric utility advisory | Concerning renewable and nonemitting resources analysis and advisory opinions. | S Environment, E | Short |
SB 5206 (Dead) | Energy facility evaluation | Eliminating expedited processing of an alternative energy resource facility fueled by solar energy on certain designated lands before the energy facility site evaluation council. | S Environment, E | Warnick |
SB 5231 (Dead) (E3SHB 1091) | Transportation fuel/carbon | Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the carbon intensity of transportation fuel. | S Environment, E | Stanford |
SB 5244 (Dead) | Nuclear reactor production | Encouraging the production of advanced nuclear reactors, small modular reactors, and components through the invest in Washington act. | S Environment, E | Brown |
SB 5256 (Dead) (SHB 1204) | Transp. electrification | Concerning the electrification of transportation. | S Environment, E | Liias |
SB 5308 (Dead) | Hybrid vehicle fees | Reducing certain transportation electrification fees on hybrid vehicles. | S Transportation | Short |
SB 5373 (Dead) | Carbon pollution | Concerning carbon pollution. | S Environment, E | Lovelett |
SB 5415 (Dead) | Energy facil site eval cncl | Concerning the energy facility site evaluation council. | S Environment, E | Lovelett |
SB 5493 (Dead) | Residential renewable energy | Reopening the renewable energy system incentive program for residential-scale systems. | S Environment, En | Wilson |
SB 5651 (HB 1781) | Capital budget, supplemental | Concerning the capital budget. | S Ways & Means | Frockt |
SB 5666 (Dead) (HB 1767) | Targeted electrification | Concerning the authority of publicly owned electric utilities to engage in targeted electrification through the adoption of plans that establish a finding that utility outreach and investment in the conversion of its customers’ end use equipment from fossil fuels to electricity will provide net benefits to the utility. | S Environment, E | Liias |
SB 5668 (Dead) (HB 1766) | Gas companies | Modifying the regulation of gas companies to achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. | S Environment, E | Lovelett |
SB 5669 (Dead) (ESHB 1770) | Energy codes | Strengthening energy codes. | S Environment, En | Liias |
SSB 5678 | Energy project orders | Concerning energy transformation, nonemitting electric generation, and renewable resource project analysis and declaratory orders. | H Env & Energy | Short |
SSB 5722 (HB 1774) | Greenhouse gases/buildings | Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in buildings. | H Env & Energy | Nguyen |
SSB 5744 (Dead) (SHB 1988) | Clean tech. tax deferrals | Concerning tax deferrals for investment projects in clean technology manufacturing, clean alternative fuels production, and renewable energy storage. | S Ways & Means | Nguyen |
SSB 5835 (Dead) | Workers’ comp marriage study | Concerning workers’ compensation. | S Rules X | Saldana |
SB 5908 (Dead) | Clean car authority | Creating the clean car authority as a new state government agency. | S Transportation | Liias |
SSB 5910 | Hydrogen | Accelerating the availability and use of renewable hydrogen in Washington state. | H Env & Energy | Carlyle |
SB 5968 (Dead) | Salmon populations/effect | Requiring the department of fish and wildlife to track the effect of certain specified activities on salmon populations. | S Ag/Water/Natura | Fortunato |
ESSB 5974 (HB 2119) | Transportation resources | Addressing transportation resources. | H Transportation | Liias |
SB 5975 (Dead) (HB 2118) | Additive transp. funding | Concerning additive transportation funding and appropriations. | S Transportation | Liias |