The followng is based on a presentation by Magnus Rehn of STING (Stockholm Innovation & Growth).
While the need for cleantech investment has become more clear in the minds of many, global venture investment in cleantech dropped 33 percent from 2011 to $9.61 billlion. The number of deals dropped 15%.
The market is large and fragmented. It includes electricity generation, alternative fuels, alternative generation, efficiency, agriculture, water, and many more fields. There will not be a single winner, rather we are likely to see many innovations that provide great value.
Nordic countries are leaders in innovation. Sweden and Denmark are ranked among the highest leaders in commercial innovation in the European Union. These countries are leaders in technology, engineering, and public policy which results innovation leadership.
Swedish investment in cleantech has also dropped. Earlier investments were made too early and the market adjusted with the lack of success. The market now has many high quality opportunities with fewer investors engaged. This means that the time is right to reenter this investor market.
Following Mr. Rehn’s comments, several Swedish companies discussed their efforts.
ClimaCheck uses an algorthm to analyze cooling processes and reduce costs by up to twenty percent. They have a customer in Portland, Oregon.
Svenska Aerogel creates aerogels that may have a large impact on construction. Aerogels has excellent insulation value and the company believes they can cut standard production costs by ninety percent.
ChromoGenics is a smart windows play that can reduce cooling energy consumption by 20-40 percent through roll-to-roll production.
Chromafora is working on the efficient use of phosphines.
Ecospark has developed a patented lighting technology in a market of nearly $50 billlion. The product has high intensity and a lower cost.
Biorecro removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through the BECCS sequestration process. It is being used in Illinois and is being developed at multiple sites.