Application materials are now available for two new competitive grant programs of the Washington State Clean Energy Fund:
- Grants for Research, Development and Demonstration Matching Funds: These grants match federal and other non-state funds for the purpose of researching, developing and demonstrating new clean energy technologies. Commerce will accept grant applications through an online portal through February 29, 2016.
- Grants to Electric Utilities for Grid Modernization: These are matching grants open only to public and private electric utilities in Washington State. The purpose of this program is advancing clean and renewable energy technologies and transmission and distribution control system improvements to increase reliability and resiliency and enable integration of distributed and renewable energy resources and technology. Commerce will accept grant applications through an online portal through February 12, 2016.
Looking to size up your Clean Energy Fund competition? Or maybe you’re interested in partnership opportunities and networking to create a joint-application. Attend the Clean Energy Fund Virtual Bidder’s Conference on January 12 to do just that.