How many jobs could Governor Inslee’s Climate Commitment Act (CCA) create?

Source: The Washington Business Alliance, March 25, 2021

According to a recent report, the CCA (SB 5126) would not only protect jobs but also generate up to 195,000 full-time-equivalent job-years and generate up to $13 billion in employee compensation through 2030.

Job creation is expected in areas that emphasize local labor, leading to $17 billion in total value added to the economy, such as infrastructure, transit, agriculture, forestry, and shipbuilding projects.

These are expected to be family-wage jobs, and because they will be on projects funded by CCA investments that prioritize overburdened communities, those jobs will benefit low-income communities, tribes, and rural areas.

As of March 24, the Climate Commitment Act (SB 5126) passed to the rules committee for a second reading.

Click here to find your legislators and voice your support for the CCA.

For a deeper dive into the details of the analytical modeling, read the full Building Back Better Resilient Recovery Portfolio report here.

For a quick summary of the jobs, climate and health benefits expected from the CCA, check out this one-pager.

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