The CleanTech Innovation Showcase brought the industry together to discuss the latest cleantech innovations, ideas and initiatives On June 24th. The event was truly is a who’s who of the Northwest region’s cleantech industry. Click on the events below for in-depth recap of the proceedings.
Day 1
8:00 Welcome, Opening Remarks and Keynote
Keynote: Eric Beckwitt, Freightera, “A Green Future for Freight”
9:10 Morning Presenting Company/Organization Sessions (12 Presentations)
Marina Room Presenting Companies/Organizations
Cove Room Presenting Companies/Organization
Sound Room Presenting Companies/Organization
10:45 Networking in the Exhibit Hall
11:15 Luncheon and Keynote Address
Keynote: Laurie ten Hope, California Energy Commission. “Innovating Our Way to a Low Carbon Future”
12:45 Networking in the Exhibit Hall
1:20 Afternoon Presenting Company/Organization Sessions (12 Presentations)
Marina Room Presenting Companies/Organizations
Cove Room Presenting Companies/Organization
- MyHeat
- Petrol Alchemy
- Aquastry
- Treatment Equipment Company
Sound Room Presenting Companies/Organization
- Washington State Department of Commerce
- UMC: Energy & Environment
- Composite Technology Recycling Center
- Eagleview
2:55 Networking in the Exhibit Hall
3:15 Reverse-Pitch Session: From the Other Side of the Table. What Government Purchasers Need to Buy CleanTech Products and Services
- Introduction: Susan Champlain, Boeing
- Hanna Waterstrat, State Efficiency and Environmental Performance, Washington State Department of Commerce
- John Kane, Kane Environmental
- Farlis Lewis, Port of Seattle
- Laurie ten Hope, California Energy Commission
4:30 Networking Reception Happy Hour
6:00 CleanTech Innovation Showcase concluded
Day 2: Western Interstate Energy Board Workshop
A recap from our colleagues at the Japanese Consulate.